Application Requirements

A new fashion contest that combines AI image generation technology and fashion creativity is starting in Tokyo, the first of Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO. TOKYO AI Fashion Week supports next-generation creators who make full use of AI. Let's work together to create the future of fashion woven by AI and human collaboration!

Contest overview

Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024 - Sunday, March 31, 2024 JST

■ Application period: First application: February 15, 2024 (Thursday) - March 3, 2024 (Sunday) 23:59 JST

Secondary application: March 4, 2024 (Monday) - March 11, 2024 (Monday) 23:59 JST

Work voting period: March 15, 2024 (Friday) to March 31, 2024 (Sunday) 23:59 JST

Application qualifications: Anyone from Japan and abroad can apply (for details, please meet the recruitment requirements)

Application conditions:

The work must be created using AI image generation.

Must have a consistent concept and visual expression as a single collection.

It must be a collection that targets or combines any of the following:

        (Apparel/shoes/bags/fashion goods/accessories/hair and makeup/furniture)

For other details, please meet the recruitment requirements.

Award details: Grand Prize 1 work 200,000 yen, Excellence Award 2 works 50,000 yen

Contest process:

Works that meet the application criteria will be posted on the TOKYO AI Fashion Week website for public voting.

Some of the submitted works will be displayed on a monitor at an event held on March 16-17 during Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO.

Top 5 outstanding works will be determined by a jury that takes into account public votes.

Excellent works will be announced on a dedicated website


Apply here

Application Requirements

Application acceptance period and method


Work application standards

  • The work must be created using generative AI.
  • The collection must have a consistent concept and visual expression.
  • A collection that targets or combines any of the following (apparel/shoes/bags/fashion goods/accessories/hair/makeup/furniture)
  • It is OK to use other software to make minor corrections to images generated using AI. On the other hand, excessive modifications, collages, compositions, etc. may not be subject to review.
  • Images must be in PNG or JPEG format with a 9:16 or 1:1 aspect ratio and a minimum 1080p HD resolution
  • The size of the first application must be 1MB or less per page.


Example of work)

Examination criteria

  • Expression integrated with fashion: Evaluate how the work combines fashion functionality and beauty. Emphasis is placed on practicality as a fashion item, design that reflects trends, and a sense of unity in overall style and theme. The criteria for judgment are the degree of perfection as fashion art and whether the work has value in the real fashion scene.
  • Creativity and originality: Evaluate how much your work has new ideas and unique perspectives. Innovative designs and concepts that are outside the box are required here.
  • Visual appeal and expression: We look at how the work expresses emotion, story, and cultural elements, and how appealing and memorable the visual impression is. Your work will be evaluated on your use of visual elements such as color, shape, and composition.
  • Innovation and Influence: We examine the innovation of AI art works and their potential impact on future fashion and art. The key points are technological progress and the adoption of new expression methods.

Award details

  • Grand Prize (1 work)
    Prize money 200,000 yen
  • Excellence Award (2 works)
    Prize money 50,000 yen

Announcement time and method of award winners

  • The winning works will be announced on the TOKYO AI Fashion Week official website in early April. The winners will be contacted individually by email.


Application requirements

This contest is conducted by OpenFashion Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "OpenFashion").
OpenFashion will use personal information collected from entrants through this contest only for the purposes of judging this contest and contacting potential winners.

Please check and understand the application guidelines, notes, and OpenFashion's privacy policy before applying. By applying, you are deemed to have accepted the application guidelines, notes, and privacy policy.

If you are under 18 years of age, by applying, you will be deemed to have obtained the consent of your legal representative.

If you are applying as a group, all group members will be deemed to have agreed to the application guidelines, notes, and privacy policy if the representative applies. Additionally, if a group member is under the age of 18, the application will be deemed to have been submitted with the consent of that person's legal representative.

Only one entry will be accepted per collection conceived. It is possible to apply multiple times, but if you apply multiple times with the same content, there is a possibility that all applications will not be considered for selection.

All internet connection fees, file sharing service usage fees, communication fees, etc. required for application will be borne by the applicant.
All transportation, accommodation, and other expenses necessary for participation in the exhibition or award ceremony will be borne by the winner.

Collection works will be displayed for a period of time, regardless of region or period, on promotions of this contest, campaign websites related to this contest (including websites operated by third parties), OpenFashion's official website, OpenFashion's SNS, etc. Please note that it may be used (including licensing to third parties) without any regional restrictions.

The copyright of the collection works belongs to the applicant, but OpenFashion can freely use them free of charge (this includes all secondary uses such as distribution, screening, reproduction, editing, etc., and includes licensing to third parties). Please note that as a condition of contest entry, you agree not to exercise the author's moral rights. OpenFashion may also contact applicants and request them to submit separate documents.

After checking the collection works submitted at the time of application on OpenFashion, they will be publicly displayed for voting on the Tokyo AI Fashion Week official website, SNS accounts, and at the exhibition venue. Please note that even if your work is published, there is a possibility that your work will not be awarded as a result of the selection process. In addition, if a collection work violates the application requirements and precautions, it will be excluded from the selection process and may not be released for voting. If there are any deficiencies in the application materials or written content, the applicant may be excluded from the selection process.

If OpenFashio deems it necessary, OpenFashion may change, suspend, or cancel the content of this contest at any time without prior notice.

OpenFashio will update the application guidelines and precautions in the event that laws or regulations are revised, economic conditions change, it becomes necessary to change the content of this contest, or in any other case that OpenFashion deems necessary. may change. In that case, OpenFashion shall notify the revised contents by posting on the website or other appropriate method, and unless otherwise stated, the revised application guidelines and notes will be posted on the publication date of the application guidelines and notes. shall take effect.

Any matters not stipulated in the application guidelines will be decided at the discretion of OpenFashion. Please note that applicants must comply with OpenFashion's operational policy regarding the operation of this contest.



    When using Generated AI, please check the terms of use of each service and use it at your own risk in accordance with the terms of use. Depending on the age of the applicant, this may not be possible or the consent of a legal representative may be required.

    If you use a file sharing service to upload application materials, please check the terms of use of each service and use it at your own risk in accordance with the terms of use. Please note the expiry date of the file sharing service link before applying. Entries that have been submitted to other contests in the past cannot be submitted to this contest. Communications to entrants regarding this contest will be made in Japanese or English.

    If the proposal or PR video violates the rights of a third party, such as copyright or portrait rights, or if a problem arises between the applicant and the third party, the applicant shall be responsible and liable. We will resolve the problem and will not cause any damage to OpenFashion. In the event that an applicant causes damage to OpenFashion, OpenFashion may claim compensation for damages from the applicant. When using Generated AI, please do not enter third party copyrighted works, personal information, confidential information, etc. in the prompt. Even if you are not using an existing copyrighted work, if there is similarity or dependence, it may be a copyright infringement.

    OpenFashion may contact applicants to confirm information regarding their affiliation. Please note that if we cannot receive your cooperation, you may be excluded from the selection process. Depending on the organization to which applicants belong, they may be ineligible for selection in this contest.

    You may not be able to apply on some PCs, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, etc. due to the device model, OS, browser, etc.

    Information about the implementation of this contest and the exhibition may be made publicly available on the TOKYO AI Fashion Week official website, SNS, homepages, news sites (including sites operated by third parties), etc. Thank you for your understanding.

    Application materials will not be returned. If it is necessary to save application materials, applicants should do so themselves.

    Application to this contest cannot be canceled or withdrawn. Prize money can only be transferred to and shipped to Japan or other designated countries. The right to win the prize and prizes cannot be transferred, exchanged for cash, or resold to a third party. Please also refrain from listing prizes at auctions, etc. In the case of group entries, the prize money will be transferred to the bank account of the representative. The amount will be distributed to group members according to the responsibility and burden of the representative. OpenFashion will not be involved in any other matters such as distribution of prize money within the group. Winners are responsible for all tax declaration and payment procedures necessary for receiving the prize.

    Collection works must be created in accordance with the application guidelines, and must be subject to copyright, portrait rights regarding the subject and background (reflected buildings, signboards, shops, works of art, posters, etc.), privacy, and other rights of related parties and third parties. Please make sure that you are not infringing on the content before applying. If there is any claim or objection from a third party, the applicant will be responsible for handling and resolving the matter at his/her own responsibility and expense.

    If an applicant engages in any of the following acts or is found to have violated the application requirements or precautions, the application and award will be invalidated. Acts that violate the terms of use of various services of Generated AI Acts that discriminate, slander, threaten, or infringe on third parties' privacy, human rights, etc. Acts that damage the honor and trust of OpenFashion and third parties, and damage trust Acts that cause disadvantage or damage to OpenFashion and third parties Acts that interfere with the operation of this contest Acts that infringe on the copyrights, other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, and other rights or interests of OpenFashion and third parties; or acts that may lead to such acts Acts that utilize this contest for business purposes, profit-making purposes, or preparation thereof Political activities, religious activities, solicitation activities, and other acts that deviate from the purpose of this contest Acts that lead to criminal acts or fraudulent acts Laws Acts that violate or may violate laws, regulations, or public order and morals Acts that include false information in application materials In addition to the acts listed above, acts that OpenFashion deems inappropriate in light of the purpose of this contest. Even if information leakage or other damage occurs to applicants or third parties due to maintenance or malfunctions of each generation AI service, malfunctions of communication terminals used by applicants or services provided by telecommunications carriers, etc., OpenFashion will Please note that OpenFashion cannot be held responsible unless there is intentionality or gross negligence.

    Entries in this contest must be made at the applicant's own discretion and responsibility. OpenFashion will not be held responsible for any damage caused to the applicant during the application, unless the damage is caused by OpenFashion's intention or gross negligence. I am not responsible for anything. Furthermore, even if OpenFashion is at fault for intentional or gross negligence, OpenFashion's liability for compensation shall be limited to direct, normal, and actual damages.

    Unless otherwise specified, Japanese law will apply to matters related to this contest, application guidelines, and notes. For disputes related to this contest, the Tokyo District Court will have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.


    Apply here